Crystal Clear Concepts

Concept Creation

Front end less fuzzy

A concept is the earliest expression of a new product, service, or solution. It lays the concrete foundation for implementation. It bridges the gap between a need and a product. It transforms an idea into a product specification.

The first phases of product development are sometimes called “fuzzy front end”. That is partly true, and one must live with the fact that ideation is, by nature, sloppy, discovery is messy, and the outcome is unpredictable. But concept creation must not be like that.

One reason why companies find concept creation difficult to grasp, is the difficulty of comprehending the concept of a concept. Put simply, in this context,

a concept is a clearly written, visual description or simple model of a new product.

It declares the primary features and consumer benefits, and outlines the technologies needed. This very elementary definition distinguishes it from a mere idea, initiative or need.

Blueprint™ offers a no-nonsense approach to concept creation.

The criterion for starting concept creation is that essential conditions are fulfilled: a valid motive exists, the timing is right, and the capabilities to meet the need are available.

The inputs are a justifiable idea or need, market and competition facts, and the existing offering. They form the foundation for the implementation of a new product or solution.

The output is a description of a new product. It should be augmented with a sketch, model, makeshift promotional material, or other visualization to help understand it.

Blueprint™ consists of two phases:

  1. Concept formulation that reflects the original idea.
    It declares what are the elements needed to meet the initial objective.
  2. Design and validation relating to actual development.
    It defines how the building blocks must be organized and adapted to accomplish the objective.

The acceptance criteria are that it is feasible to implement the concept, and that new, risky and critical technologies and choices have been reviewed and found valid.

Fact Sheet

Why Blueprint?

The generic meaning of Blueprint is a sketch, design, plan or prototype. The Blueprint™ symbol is analogous with an operative amplifier that sums several inputs and amplifies the combined signal.